In August 2024, the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) published the final versions of its new industry standards for quantum-resistant cryptography (a.k.a. post-quantum cryptography). This marks a major milestone which will have a wide-ranging industry impact over the next few years, in the upcoming world-wide transition to deploy security mechanisms resistant to attack by emerging quantum computing technology.

The aim of the AusQRC workshop is to raise awareness of the upcoming Quantum-Resistant Cybersecurity (QRC) industry transition, the state-of-the-art in QRC research, and overall challenges around QRC deployment, particularly in the Australian context. The workshop program (to be announced) will include a high-profile international speaker as well as speakers from Australian industry and academia.

Target Audience

We would like to invite cybersecurity industry and government professionals, Academic researchers, and research students to participate in the event.

We reached the capacity and the registration is closed now. Thank you all for the tremendous interest!

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